City: Kyiv
Project manager: Olexandr ShultsTechnology Readiness Level: TRL 7

Marketplace Rail Logistics is the first railway platform in Ukraine that connects the cargo owner and forwarder on the Uber principle.
On the website, the platform calculates the railway tariff based on the application for transportation and adds the freight forwarder's commission. The shipper sees the final commercial offer from the freight forwarders and their contact phone number. After finalization, the application will come to the office or to the mail, this is our key value for which people will pay money.
For the freight forwarder, this is additional lead generation and the opportunity to automate and optimize the costs of receiving and processing incoming applications.
For the cargo owner, this is a reduction in the time spent searching for a freight forwarder and online calculation of the cost of transportation.
Common value is market access.
Income is planned due to lead generation, that is, the forwarder pays for the incoming application, then 2% of the transaction.
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